What is pfree?
pfree is a simple web app to help you quit porn by challenging you to be clean for one year with achievements to collect along the way.
How does it work?
It keeps track of your progress by displaying a day counter. There's also a journal feature that keeps track of relapses, milestones, and your entries.
Where is my data stored?
Your data is stored using your web browser's local storage. I don't see any of it.
Is it free?
Yes, this website is free to use and always will be. I do not want your money. If this website helps you, I'd love to hear from you in the contact form on this page.
If I clear my local storage on my browser, will I lose all of my data?
Yes, you can clear your history but if you clear your storage, you will lose all of your data since I don't store it on the server.
How do I backup my data?
Click the "Export data" button on the settings page to download a JSON file of your data.